Terms & Conditions Of Business Of John Carroll Photography & Films
A booking fee of £250 confirms your booking and is deductible from the package price with the balance due 2 months before the wedding date. Failure to pay balance by due date will be taken as an indication of cancellation of booking, with loss of booking fee. Dates are reserved only when the booking fee is paid. Upon signature of booking agreement John Carroll Photography & Films reserves the time and date agreed upon, and will not make any other reservations for that time and date. For this reason all booking fees are non-refundable, even if the date is changed or wedding cancelled for any reason.
In the event of the client cancelling a booking for wedding photography or Films John Carroll Photography & Films reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee in accordance with the following scale:
(a) The booking fee if cancelled more than six months prior to the wedding date.
(b) 50% of the total agreed fee if cancelled less than six months prior to the wedding date.
(d) 100% of the total agreed fee if cancelled within one month of the wedding date.
Should the cancelled wedding turn out to be a postponement, then at the discretion of John Carroll Photography & Films, and subject to availability, monies other than the booking fee may be applied to the new wedding. John Carroll Photography & Films strongly advises all clients to purchase wedding insurance cover, to cover the resulting costs due to cancellation or date change. Please note cancellations will only be accepted in writing and must be signed by either the bride or groom.
Balance payment of package booked is due 2 months before the date of the wedding. Payment for additional photographs and albums are made when these are ordered. Any bank charges incurred due to returned cheques will be debited to the client. Failure to pay balance by due date will be taken as a cancellation of booking with loss of booking fee paid and cancellation charges will apply as above. Payments can be made by cash or bank transfer (BACS).
The copyrights created by John Carroll Photography & Films shall remain the property of John Carroll Photography & Films in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. It is understood that images may be used for advertising or display purposes. The client hereby acknowledges that infringement of John Carroll Photography & Films copyright is unlawful and may be a criminal offence.
All images created & captured by John Carroll Photography & Films shall remain the property of John Carroll Photography & Films. All images will be adjusted for exposure, brightness, contrast & sharpness. The Photographer's judgement regarding these corrections and the number of images put forward to the Client for preview shall be deemed correct. Retouching, digital manipulation and artist finishing is available to the client as an option at extra cost.
The photographer shall be granted complete artistic licence including in relation to the poses photographed and the locations used. The photographers’ judgement regarding the location/poses and number of images taken shall be final. Due to the vagaries of the weather and the willingness of subjects it may not be possible to capture all the images requested.
At the discretion of John Carroll Photography & Films a surcharge may apply for any albums ordered more than 1 year from date of wedding. Once the client has selected the images for their album, the album will be designed by John Carroll Photography & Films. Proofs will be made available to the client from which up to 5 changes may be made to the design. A fee will be charged for any further changes required.
Weather permitting, images will be taken as agreed with the client. In the event of rain, snow or any form of weather disturbances, John Carroll Photography & Films will make the necessary changes to the photographic session and will not be responsible for any disappointment caused by the weather. However, John Carroll Photography & Films with the co-operation of the client will do their best to produce coverage of the wedding within the time allocated to them.
John Carroll Photography & Films cannot be held responsible for restrictions placed by the marriage celebrant, church or venue. Nor can we be held responsible for a lack of coverage caused by members of the bridal party or guests being late or not available. For a booking involving a church ceremony or at certain venues, the photographer's movements are sometimes restricted by the official in charge. The area from which the photographer can cover the ceremony may not be the photographer's choice and the photographer cannot accept responsibility for any obstructed view should this be the case. John Carroll Photography & Films does not guarantee any specific image, location or background. N.B. Photo and video coverage ends at the start of the wedding meal and re-commences after the end of the meal.
The dyes used for clothing, particularly man-made fibres do not always photograph in the manner in which they appear to eye. When the photographs are printed to produce a pleasing flesh colour some materials may appear incorrect. John Carroll Photography & Films will endeavour to achieve the closest possible colour match within the limitations of the materials and processes used. It is understood that colour photography & Films is undertaken within the technical limitations of the process and that further colour prints of the same photograph, but in different dimensions or supplied at a different time, may show variations of colours.
In the unlikely event of total photographic failure, injury or sickness beyond the control of John Carroll Photography & Films, liability shall be limited to a full refund of all monies paid. John Carroll Photography & Films has full Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance. Your statutory rights are not affected.
It is understood that no other photographer/videographer, amateur or professional, shall be allowed to photograph at the wedding while John Carroll Photography & Films are working, and that any breach of this agreement will constitute a reason for non-completion of the job with no liability to the John Carroll Photography & Films and loss of all monies paid by signing party.